Bobbie D. Frantz Treasurer | DeKalb County Republican Party
Bobbie D. Frantz Treasurer | DeKalb County Republican Party
A new documentary titled "Age of Disclosure" is gaining attention for its claims that UFOs are real and that aliens live among us on Earth. Unlike previous films on the subject, this one features former and current insiders from Washington D.C., including a brief appearance by Marco Rubio.
The documentary suggests that global superpowers are engaged in a race to reverse-engineer alien technology, a competition believed to determine humanity's future. The film premiered on March 9 at SXSW in Austin, Texas, and includes interviews with 34 military and intelligence officials who acknowledge the existence of "UAPs," or unexplained anomalous phenomena—a modern term for UFOs.
Although participants in the film refrain from revealing classified information, some statements reportedly elicited "audible gasps" during the premiere, as noted by the Guardian. Some veterans assert they have direct knowledge of alien life currently on Earth and suggest spacecraft have visited since the 1940s to monitor technological progress.
The documentary highlights government secrecy as a significant national security threat. Luis Elizondo, associated with the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, claims in the film that withholding this information from the public constitutes "the most successful disinformation campaign in the history of the US government."
A trailer promoting "Age of Disclosure" emphasizes its revelations about government cover-ups regarding non-human intelligent life.