Mereda Davis Johnson District 5 Commissioner | DeKalb County
Mereda Davis Johnson District 5 Commissioner | DeKalb County
The DeKalb-Peachtree Airport Advisory Board is set to convene on Monday, March 10, at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at 2000 Airport Rd., Room 227, Atlanta, Ga. 30341. Attendees also have the option to join virtually through a Zoom link or via phone using a specified conference code.
The agenda for the meeting includes several key items. First, there will be an approval of the minutes from the February 2025 meeting. Following this, old business matters will be addressed under the Director’s Report by Hunter Hines. Topics include updates on the LED Airfield Project and discussions about rules and regulations.
A significant point of discussion will involve consent to assignment from PDK, LLC to CDH Aviation, LLC concerning DeKalb County Contract No. 16-903064. This involves a lease agreement for North Terminal Lease Area Tract N-4 at 2007 Flightway Drive. PDK, LLC plans to assign all rights and interests in this lease to CDH Aviation, LLC according to Section 19 of their agreement.
Additionally, there is a lease agreement with Hermeus Corporation for approximately 25,600 square feet of undeveloped land. This lease allows Hermeus Corporation to use the space temporarily for manufacturing and testing jet engines and related components starting April 1, 2025.
A noise report is scheduled for discussion in April's meeting but not during this session.
The board will also address new business topics before opening the floor for public comments.