
DeKalb GA News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Did farm subsidies in cities associated with DeKalb County rise or fall in 2021?

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Farms throughout cities in DeKalb County received $1.6 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 116 farmers in cities within DeKalb County received a total of $3.6 million in 167 farm subsidies, a 30.7% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $5.1 million in 266 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with DeKalb County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
USA Poultry and EGG Export Council$4,449,501$3,170,889-28.7%
Nell Thomas$246,264$138,537-43.7%
Revocable Trust Agreement of Nancy J Harper$29,098$29,070-0.1%
T & J Unlimited Enterprises, LLC$6,332$10,73169.5%
Caveness Family, LLC$3,721$10,448180.8%
Robert M. Britt$0$9,855--
Witten Enterprises, Inc.$9,418$9,4180%
Ann Stapel Strauss Revocable Trust$5,163$9,38081.7%
Betty Ogden Brown$15,528$8,310-46.5%
Kenneth Loux$12,034$7,882-34.5%
Stapel/Strauss Family PTN, Ltd.$30,036$7,456-75.2%
Gail Ann Miller Deloach$6,683$6,6830%
Blue Goose Farms, LLC$0$6,630--
Billie Marie Tully$4,478$5,68026.8%
Scott Martin Young$5,445$5,4450%
Kinkade Historical Society, LLC$0$5,341--
Gary D. Hutchinson$23,946$5,157-78.5%
Nile Newell - Nile Loyal Newell Revocable Trust$4,416$4,4160%
Janene C. Sullivan$4,083$4,0830%
Louie a Walston JR Estate$20,185$3,867-80.8%
Patricia S Crotwell-Patricia Smith Crotwell Revoca$0$3,853--
Kathleen A. Carstens$6,551$3,622-44.7%
Lisa J. Kyle$2,824$3,61528%
Estate of James Eugene Glover$0$3,579--
Newell Land, Corp.$3,493$3,4930%
Margy Schoenhals$22,185$3,365-84.8%
Jack L Winburn and Jerry a Winburn Rev Living Trust$9,034$3,342-63%
Herbert J Murrath$9,482$3,004-68.3%
John H. Moffett III$5,361$2,919-45.6%
Sandra Moore$0$2,915--
James A. Walker Jr.$0$2,774--
Shoo FLY, LLC$0$2,702--
Lesley E. Kammerer$4,825$2,290-52.5%
Mitchell Lee Morris$11,756$2,280-80.6%
Margaret F. Holman$0$2,110--
Kathleen M. Rigg$9,297$2,080-77.6%
Grow With the Flow, LLC$0$2,034--
Terry J. Roman$1,939$1,9390%
Residuary Frederick a Mathews Trustee$8,544$1,887-77.9%
Gladys Reynolds Black Steer AP Trust$0$1,865--
Hannah H. Esther$1,798$1,7980%
Joseph M. Kinkade$0$1,780--
Mattie R. Carson$486$1,764263%
Melinda Wicker$1,564$1,7189.8%
Wanda F. Timm$0$1,405--
Bullock Farm$1,394$1,3940%
Patrick G. Kinnane$1,394$1,3940%
Vicki Mealor$5,224$1,385-73.5%
Michelle Marie Dejean$0$1,203--
Burrelle S Meeks$1,181$1,1810%
Sandra Moody Whatley$1,170$1,1700%
Love Is Love Farm, LLC$17,084$1,158-93.2%
James Mcarthur Williams$5,018$1,152-77%
Fred Godwin III$7,595$1,128-85.1%
Melanie G. Jones$1,109$1,1090%
Helen L. Winter$1,776$1,047-41%
Camille Farms, LLC$11,021$983-91.1%
Charles A. Gressett$978$9780%
Martha Reed$580$95564.7%
D. W. McWaters$4,724$930-80.3%
Caitlin H. Stark$927$9270%
Mark Schoenhals$0$897--
Alicia Crawley$1,407$887-37%
Peggy Dagley$3,751$854-77.2%
Allen Jack Head III$834$8340%
Lawton Timberlands, LLC$814$8140%
Arthur C. Turner$2,522$765-69.7%
Wanaada Murray$736$7360%
Anne Smith Fenton Trust$0$730--
Thera Head$714$7140%
Margaret Hayman$1,339$644-51.9%
Marsha W. Lawrence$1,812$616-66%
Carole Walker$865$596-31.1%
Oscar Kyser$2,321$591-74.5%
Bedell Finley$3,807$578-84.8%
Bobby A. Jones$1,540$555-64%
Phyllis Sheffield$647$548-15.3%
Joanne Beaton Mason$1,357$537-60.4%
Hilery Anthony Gobert$2,244$502-77.6%
Santell Durrell Cochran$494$4940%
Carloyn Rushin$702$493-29.8%
Randall Cherry$617$491-20.4%
Ann V Frellsen$1,162$477-59%
Gregory Scott Taylor$289$41041.9%
James E. Cantrell$0$388--
Brooke M Augustin-Coley$0$380--
Terra Jones$894$380-57.5%
Hancock Land Trustee$582$373-35.9%
Aaron Pryor-Ali$602$367-39%
Peggy Denmark$365$352-3.6%
Jimmy G. Brown$339$3390%
Michael E. Jackson$2,639$330-87.5%
Mary Luke$1,351$326-75.9%
Carol Fisher$572$312-45.5%
John M. Jones Jr.$307$3070%
Edwin J. Baron$371$300-19.1%
Norma Jean Rushing$888$294-66.9%
Fredda Kay O'Neal$451$282-37.5%
Cynthia Lollis$800$272-66%
Susan Perdew$562$253-55%
Lee Dees Giesecke$567$223-60.7%
Elizabeth Adams$1,109$216-80.5%
John C. Bankhead$1,012$211-79.2%
David C Rockwell Revocable Trust-David Rockwell$0$209--
Linda M. Kaplan$199$2074%
Kelly Mccullough Hollins Estate$0$200--
Ellen K Feibish$278$182-34.5%
Robert H. Phelps$92$16781.5%
Rogg Partnership$151$1510%
Julia C. Turner$945$84-91.1%
Jeffrey Chambers$222$83-62.6%
William Carey Starnes$375$73-80.5%
Jo K. Puckett$149$72-51.7%
Virginia Lawrence$857$60-93%
Jennifer Lennon Petritz$0$31--
Charolette Beard$37$15-59.5%
Eva Ann M. Jones$134$0-100%
Daniel Rohrabaugh$797$0-100%
David Scott Peters$86$0-100%
Gladys Reynolds$427$0-100%
Gladys Reynolds- Black Steer T. Ap$1,839$0-100%
Juanita Frances Kent$675$0-100%
Calvin P. Jellema$1,010$0-100%
David C Rockwell Revocable Trust$209$0-100%
Mark S. Ortman$466$0-100%
Revocable Trust Agreement of Donald E Harper$99$0-100%
Shirley B. Crawford$4,217$0-100%
Brandol Major$5$0-100%
Christopher Edwards$7,548$0-100%
Crossroad Town Investors, LLC$314$0-100%
Charles E. Chastain$330$0-100%
Dennis Whitten$3,968$0-100%
Eastwood Plantation, LLC$1,952$0-100%
James Eugene Glover$3,990$0-100%
Sandra W. Parker$348$0-100%
Todd Muirhead$85$0-100%
Elaine O'Neil$345$0-100%
Robert E. Thompson$3,587$0-100%
Vos Lake Farms, Inc.$29,111$0-100%
Total subsidies$5,144,877$3,563,707-30.7%