Bobbie D. Frantz Treasurer | DeKalb County Republican Party
Bobbie D. Frantz Treasurer | DeKalb County Republican Party
During a recent interview with President Donald Trump and Sean Hannity, Elon Musk discussed his realization of what he describes as "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS). Musk recounted an experience at a friend's dinner party shortly before the November 5, 2024 presidential election, where mentioning Trump's name provoked strong reactions.
Musk explained that when he mentioned the president's name, it was as if attendees had been "shot with a dart in the jugular that contained like methamphetamine and rabies." He expressed surprise at the intensity of the reaction and questioned why a normal conversation could not be maintained. "It’s like they’ve become completely irrational," Musk stated to Fox News host Sean Hannity.
The segment is part of an interview airing on February 18 at 9 p.m. EST on "Hannity." During the discussion, Hannity noted that people on the left once held Musk in high regard. Meanwhile, Trump found humor in the situation, laughing throughout the segment.
The analogy made by Musk about trying to have a normal conversation after mentioning Trump's name was highlighted on social media. A tweet shared by user Spitfire included Musk's vivid description of the dinner party incident.
In recent times, Musk has emerged as a controversial figure for some Democrats, who reportedly criticize him more frequently than Trump.